Thursday 21 February 2013

Pop tarts...

Hi everyone

Tomorrow we're going to the Salt Flats, very early, for the weekend. I haven't blogged for a while, though it's been on my to do list. Last weekend was carnival and I took thousands of photos which I will put a few here and write more another day about.

The last 2 days I've been in bed with a funny tummy. To be expected I suppose, but I've never had such bad stomach cramps. Zaida has been bringing me soup and cups of tea and generally been very sweet checking I'm ok. It's generally been a pretty boring 2 days, apart from the fact that Lee, who is in the bunk bed above me, has also been off sick - she had a swollen tooth, which was an infected root canal related tooth incident. She had 2.5 hours at the dentist today including a massive needle apparently, so I can't complain too much about my sickness which really only involved stomach ache and sleeping a lot.

We finished painting the lockers at our centre, and visited a few schools this week to give out leaflets to encourage the kids (mainly the girls) to come to our centre for our workshops after school. It was so lovely to meet some kids finally and they are so unbelievably cute. Obviously I don't have any photos as that would be a bit against the child protection policy, unless they all sign a consent form... maybe later.

I discovered they sell pop tarts here and bought and ate loads of them in a typical obsessive way. Perhaps that is why I got ill.

Over and out for now. pepinillo xx

one of the dancers

some more dancers

lockers - with roof, berfore painting

during painting
a close up, almost finished lockers. I'll take another of the fully finished version next week...

1 comment:

  1. It'll be the pop tarts Pickles! Lockers look great painted. I love the different colours. :-) Aba
